About Until Justice Just Is

Building Bridges to Equity

YWCA Mankato is an association affiliated with YWCA USA.

YWCA’s are on a mission to eliminate racism and empower women. Because we know that we cannot empower all women without confronting systemic racism, we act every day by raising awareness of the impacts of institutional and structural racism and by building community among those who work for racial justice.

We believe it's time to be more inclusive in our language and our campaigns. Since 2015, we have invited and inspired countless activists, advocates, and allies to join us in the movement to eliminate racism through our annual Stand Against Racism campaign. The campaign has served its purpose in its eight years running with gatherings that united our efforts against racism, but it is time to be more inclusive with our message as we continue to evolve and learn. While the campaign itself has long united us against racism, we acknowledge that for many, the word “stand” in its name evoked feelings of ableism, exclusivity, and disempowerment. As an organization dedicated to advancing justice for all, it’s our responsibility to ensure that all are included in the movement and inspired to take part in advancing justice in partnership with us. That is why, in 2023, we renamed our annual racial justice campaign Until Justice Just Is.

This year, the YWCA’s racial justice campaign, Until Justice Just Is (UJJI), centers around the theme Building Bridges to Equity, and it will be based on the topics for the 2024 YWCA Racial Justice Challenge, which will be:

  • Bodily Autonomy

  • Women's Financial Empowerment/Caregiving

  • Gun Violence

  • Transportation

About the Racial Justice Challenge

YWCA is excited to announce the launch of 2024 YWCA Racial Justice Challenge, to begin on April 1, 2024. The YWCA Racial Justice Challenge is the action component of the Until Justice Just Is campaign, which runs throughout the month of April to raise awareness of systemic racism and how each of us can take action to advance justice.

The YWCA Racial Justice Challenge is designed to create dedicated time and space to build more effective social justice habits, particularly those dealing with issues of race, power, privilege, and leadership. The Challenge works to foster personal reflection, encourage social responsibility, and motivate participants to identify and act on ways to dismantle racism and other forms of discrimination.