Get Involved

YWCA Tools, Child Development, YWCA Mankato

There are many ways to get involved at YWCA Mankato

  1. Donate

  2. Volunteer

  3. Share on Social Media

  4. Sign Up for Our Newsletter


Ways to Donate to YWCA Mankato

Donate Online

From our web site, you can make your gift securely online. Several options are available:

•Make a one-time gift.

•Make a pledge with convenient monthly payments.

•Make a gift in honor of or in memory of someone special.

Planned Giving

Choose from many giving options, including naming the YWCA Mankato as a beneficiary in your will and more complex trust arrangements that provide life-long income. Help us secure the future!

If you have questions about any of our giving programs, please contact the Executive Director at 507-345-4629.

Volunteer at YWCA Mankato

Jumping Child, Child Development, YWCA Mankato

Volunteering is an amazing way to get engaged with our mission. By filling out our volunteer interest form, you will be added to a list that is contacted for our regular volunteer opportunities including our annual events and week long programs.

YWCA Mankato is currently accepting regularly scheduled semester-long volunteer opportunities for students. Click the link below to apply!

Act Now

For over 160 years, YWCA has been on a mission to eliminate racism and empower women. We invite you to join us and take action on health, economic, safety, and racial justice priorities directly affecting women and communities of color.